Plaster cracks repair

How to Fix Damaged Plaster – Plaster Crack Repair

In older homes, plaster and laths walls are very common. Also in newly constructed homes, wall cracks can develop within a year or two due to negligence during the construction of the wall. Plaster walls have both-advantage as well as disadvantages. The advantage is it is good looking surface plus durable also. But, the disadvantage is it develops cracks very quickly.

Plaster Crack Repair

There are many ways that can fix plaster temporarily. But, plaster cracks can be fixed for a longer time by using plaster of Paris. In this post, we are discussing some steps that help to fix cracks.

Step 1

Take a utility knife and cut away loose plaster. Again take a utility knife and make the opening more clean-lined and wider as well. Clean away all the dust as well as plaster with the help of a vacuum cleaner. Remove debris from the surface by using a utility knife.

Step 2

Take plaster of Paris and water and mix both the ingredients properly to make a thick paste take a paintbrush and dipped it in water and wet the cracks with the help of this paintbrush. Now, take the repair compound that you have prepared with the plaster of Paris and pack the wet crack with the repairing compound. Use a trowel or scrapper to smooth the surface. Leave the crack to dry for at least a day.

Step 3

Take the wood block and wrap the medium or fine-graded sandpaper and lightly sand patch the plaster when it becomes dry. In case, the crack was wide repeat the entire process of plastering once again and let the plaster dry once again for a day at least.

Step 4

Now, it is time to sand-patch the plaster again. Now, take primer or paint and apply the thinned coat or primer or paint over the plaster. Paint the entire wall, as the plaster becomes dry.

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So, these are some simple and easy steps that help you to fix damaged plaster quickly. Follow these simple steps and have a sweet home!






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