Thanksgiving Table Designs, Ideas, Photos and Advices

Hosting a thanksgiving party in your home is not a tough task given that you have ideas. Lots of good and creative ideas are there which can be employed in the party to impress your guests. Many good ideas are there that require no time and expenses to be created. Also, it is a fun to build festive crafting in order to say ‘thanks’ to your friends for good deeds they have done for you.Thanksgiving Table

Thanksgiving Table Design

Hosting a Thanksgiving party for the first time? Here are the best ideas to decorate thanksgiving table and impress guest with both food and design ideas –

Sprigs of Wheat or Seasonal Flower

If you want to design a classic thanksgiving table for your friends without spending lots of time, nothing can be a better way than this. Just take some sprigs of wheat or seasonal flower. Then take some cards and make slits on cards to attach sprig of wheat in them. Attach the sprigs and also write name of your friends on relevant cards.

Rustic Decoration

Use of wood slabs as card holders and place-mats is an excellent idea. This easy to design thanksgiving table looks like a woodland party when planned with a charm.Christmas table

Gilded Leaf Place Card

Use of glided leaves is another interesting idea to touch heart of your friends. Take some gilded leaves and write name of your friends on those leaves with colored pens. Then place those leaves to relevant seats you have set for your friends. These gilded place cards are the best example of glamour and nature together.

Cork & Feather Cards

Use of little corks and feather cards for creation of thanksgiving card holders is a good way for those who want to do something different during the thanksgiving party. If you have some little corks in your home and attractive feathers that you purchased in the last season, then start the work right now.

Just make a hole at the top of the cork by using a paper clip and poke the feather within it. Now, tag the card holder with the name of every friend and place it to relevant seats.






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